Integration - Communication – Interaction

Allthings in one place – Alles an einem Ort

Transparency and Efficiency for all Stakeholder in Real Estate Management


The right information at the right time for the right contacts.

Allthings supports you in realizing the full digitalization potential in real estate operations - based on the orchestration of all integrated digital solutions.

Safe and secure.

Transparency and efficiency

Für Asset Manager
Asset Manager
über alle Assets, digitale Lösungen und Auswertungen
  • Verbrauchsdaten: CO2, Energie, Wasser, etc
  • Gebäudetechnologie
  • Prozesse, Verwaltung
  • Mieterzufriedenheit
  • Datensicherheit und Compliance
Für Verwalter
über alle Vorgänge der Liegenschaft
  • Automatisiertes Schadensmanagement
  • Automatisiertes Mieter-On-/Offboarding
  • Überwachung technischer Geräte
  • Mieterkommunikation
  • Buchungsfunktionen
Für Mieter
über alles rund um die Wohnung informiert sein
  • Digital 24/7 einen Schaden melden
  • Alle Wohnungsdokumentation an einem Ort
  • Gemeinsame Ressourcen buchen
  • Sich mit Nachbarn vernetzen
In der IT
über alle Assets, digitale Lösungen und Auswertungen
  • Standardisierte Integration der Partner
  • Einmalige Schnittstelle zur Data Source / ERP Systemen
  • DSGVO / nDSG konform und gesichert
  • Übersicht / Kontrolle aller Datenflüsse und Berechtigungen
For Asset Manager
Asset Manager
über alle Assets, digitale Lösungen und Auswertungen
  • Verbrauchsdaten: CO2, Energie, Wasser, etc
  • Gebäudetechnologie
  • Prozesse, Verwaltung
  • Mieterzufriedenheit
  • Datensicherheit und Compliance
Für Verwalter
über alle Vorgänge der Liegenschaft
  • Automatisiertes Schadensmanagement
  • Automatisiertes Mieter-On-/Offboarding
  • Überwachung technischer Geräte
  • Mieterkommunikation
  • Buchungsfunktionen
Für Mieter
über alles rund um die Wohnung informiert sein
  • Digital 24/7 einen Schaden melden
  • Alle Wohnungsdokumentation an einem Ort
  • Gemeinsame Ressourcen buchen
  • Sich mit Nachbarn vernetzen
In der IT
über alle Assets, digitale Lösungen und Auswertungen
  • Standardisierte Integration der Partner
  • Einmalige Schnittstelle zur Data Source / ERP Systemen
  • DSGVO / nDSG konform und gesichert
  • Übersicht / Kontrolle aller Datenflüsse und Berechtigungen
For Asset Managers
Asset Manager
covering all assets, digital solutions and analytics
  • Consumption data: CO2, energy, water, etc
  • Building technology
  • Processes, management
  • Tenant satisfaction
  • Data security and compliance
For Property Managers
across all processes of the property
  • Automated claims management
  • Automated tenant onboarding/offboarding
  • Monitoring of technical equipment
  • Tenant communication
  • Booking functions
For Tenants
Be informed about everything concerning the apartment
  • Digitally report damage 24/7
  • All apartment documentation in one place
  • Book shared resources
  • Network with neighbors
Across all assets, digital solutions and evaluations
  • Standardized integration of partners
  • Unique interface to data source / ERP systems
  • DSGVO / nDSG compliant and secured
  • Overview / control of all data flows and authorizations


The largest existing ecosystem

The best digital solutions from the real estate industry networked on one platform. Together, we cover 90% of all processes related to planning and operating real estate.



We implement what you need.

 Discover our solution building blocks

  Customized dashboards

 Customized dashboards

Energy consumption for building & apartment

Energy consumption for building & apartment

Efficient concern management

 Efficient concern management 

Document storage system

 Document storage system

Shared resources booking

 Shared resources booking

Digital access systems

Digital access systems 

Tenant management move-in/move-out

 Tenant management move-in/move-out

And more...

And more ...

Learn more about our products and the projects in which they are already successfully in use.

What our customers say

The target image "Digital Operator" was the vision of Elron Immoblien AG: numerous digital components were to be identified at an early stage, networked and the usage scenarios seamlessly integrated for efficient overall operation. This was implemented at the new building "Tracks Münchenstein" with 10 floors, 82 rental apartments plus commercial space as an integrated overall concept consisting of hardware, software and the management processes.


Roger Rieder

CEO Elron Immobilien AG

"It's important to us that we can play in open ecosystems. With the tools that come from the Digital Operator target picture, we can elicit the best solutions and assemble a seamlessly connected software landscape."

Niederer AG's objective was to improve customer interactions and thus increase processing efficiency. Via the digital tenant app, incidents are submitted in a structured manner, resources are conserved and tenant communication is optimized. In the meantime, 90% of all notifications are made in a structured way via the app, only 10% still have to be entered manually.



Michael Hahn

Mitglied der Geschäftsführung Niederer AG

"As a future-oriented company, Niederer AG not only works fully digitized, but also relies on modern tools for communication with tenants and partners. Today, we can rightly claim that the app from Allthings has been creating significant added value for years. Lean processes require innovative tools. We have chosen the right path."

Being able to select the relevant digital solutions early on in the planning stage and network them with each other in order to be able to work in an integrated and efficient manner during the construction phase and in operation was the goal of Tend AG. The many digital solutions support sustainability, ESG criteria and transparent management - a foundation for future-oriented construction.



Jacques Hamers

Geschäftsführer Tend AG

"We see a great need for new designs in operational real estate. Uns überzeugt die klare Prozess- und Transparenzorientierung des Digital Operator Ansatzes, weswegen wir als Dienstleister gerne mit Allthings zusammenarbeiten."







kk-Niederer_Logo - weisser Hintergrund-2
Investa Real Estate
zurcher frelinger
pwr development
Specogna Immobilien


Are you looking for a comprehensive and consolidated overview of all relevant data of your real estate portfolio? Or an open system that covers all your digital requirements of your properties?

Let's talk about how our solutions can help improve your building and portfolio management strategy.