Efficient Integration of External Service Providers

Whether burst water pipes or power failure - with the direct integration of external service providers, help is quickly organized. Craftspeople or other service providers can easily be integrated into the Allthings Cockpit. This allows for a seamless re-routing of tickets with work orders to craftspeople and simplifies tedious administrative processes for Property Managers.

Who has not found himself in a similar situation before: you just wanted to quickly switch on the dishwasher at home and suddenly, your entire kitchen is flooded. In such emergencies, you don't just want to find the right craftspeople, but you want it to be quick and uncomplicated. Allthings has found the perfect solution for this process. Property Managers have the option of integrating external service providers into their Cockpit and forward tickets with work orders directly to them. At the same time, a Craftspeople Micro-App now offers the option of conveniently notifying your in-house craftspeople service or another external service provider via the app - even if you Property Manager is not available.

Lower Administrative Costs and Increased Tenant Satisfaction

The clear advantage of this integration is that customers can now also add external service providers to their Cockpit and directly involve them in the operative repair processes. Depending on the settings, it is possible to forward tickets with work orders to be processed directly in the Cockpit or send email notifications to the external service provider without requiring Cockpit access. This not only saves time, but above all administrative effort, since the entire process for the Property Manager can be managed seamlessly in one system.

Brigitte Moser, Head of Customer Operations in CO-CSM at Allthings, emphasizes the improvements that the new feature brings to the everyday lives of residents and Property Managers alike: "One challenge was to not only focus on the needs of Property Managers for administrative simplification, but also to achieve direct added value for the tenants. In the end, this new product feature will save unnecessary phone calls for all involved parties and integrates external service providers into our system through an uncomplicated process - this small improvement in our product will result in increased efficiency for all parties involved."

You are also interested in integrating this feature? Please contact sales@allthings.me or your Customer Success Manager.

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